Automotive Mechanics Lodge Local 510 News
A Word From Local 510 President Alan Steinhagen
A new day and time for the Automotive
Mechanics Lodge General Membership Meetings will take place Sunday,
April 22, 2018. This meeting will begin
at 10:00am. Steward and Executive Board meeting changes are posted
in the Calendar.
Recent changes in the Local lodge 510
By-laws, have allowed for changes in the general membership
meetings. Some meetings that were held on the 4th Monday of the
month, will move to Sunday, during the day. The Executive Board has
implemented this change as a result of numerous face to face
meetings, which took place at various member work locations over
the past years. We hope these convenient
changes will allow for more of the members participation.
Buy Wisconsin
When you’re making your holiday purchases,
remember to prioritize buying union-made, American-made and
Wisconsin-made products. Wisconsin workers make a wide-variety of
goods and food stuff for your holiday shopping wish list.
Every time you buy Wisconsin-made, American-made or union-made
goods you are supporting good jobs in this country and in your
neighborhood. Support local workers and local jobs, Buy Wisconsin!
Wisconsin-made gift ideas and union-made gift ideas are below.
Find great Wisconsin-made products at:
When you're reaching for a beer, why not buy union-made?
Here's a brief list of beers and ales made by members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the International Brother of Teamsters (IBT), the United Autoworkers (UAW), the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), and IUE-CWA. If we’re missing any, let us know at
Text BEER to 22555 to receive the list of your mobile device too.
Or if you prefer union-made ROOT beer, choose Barq's, Blumers or Old Philiadelpia.
Check out other union-made items and union member discounts on unionized items here.
2018 Pocket Planners,
Calendars, Tool Box Magnets, IAM Calendars
The 2015 IAM
Toolbox magnets, pocket planners and yard signs, have arrived and can be picked up
our regular scheduled General Membership Meetings. Hurry, there is
only a few left!
Parade and Organizing Banner
Come and see the Automotive Mechanics Lodge new banner. It looks great and will serve the lodge well as we try to increase our membership, as well as our exposure within the community.
A special thanks extended to Bob Kazmierski and Al Steinhagen for all their efforts to make this possible.
Local 510 Has Moved To a New Location
The Automotive Mechanics Lodge has moved their office to a new location. This new location provides the lodge with many amenities that will benefit the members. Most important to the members is the new meeting hall (Yatchak Hall), where all the General Membership Meetings will be held beginning July 23, 2012. The new location is more easily accessible, located just one block off I-94 (near Miller Park stadium). Additionally, the new location provides members with conference rooms, meeting rooms, security system, kitchen, coolers, large parking lot, and a large deck which includes grills and green space. Come to the July meeting where we will celebrate our new location with a brat cookout.
Union Growth/Leadership I
Local 510 has an opening in the 2018 Leadership training program, to send one more person to William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center for Leadership 1.
There is also a need to send at least three members to the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center for a Union Growth Class. This class is designed to educate locals on how to grow your membership through external organizing. The class is specifically offered through the Midwest office and must be approved by the Local 510 Executive Board. This class is one week long, and lost time and travel expenses are covered by the local.
If you are interested in either of these opportunities, let your Steward know or email Local 510 President Alan Steinhagen at
Out of Work?/Stamp Books
Contact Financial Secretary Darrell Dent at if you are out of work due to layoff or illness. He will adjust your dues obligations accordingly.
Have you had your stamp books updated? Contact Darrell to make arrangements. Don't wait until too many months have gone by.
Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Follow the money. Here you can look up, who gave, how much, and where they live. Because, every dollar is traced, no one can hide. For more information, visit the Legislative Action tab to learn more about who is actually funding the politics that effect "Middleclass Working Families".
Balanced Media
For a balanced and alternative source of news, consider the following media sources that can be found on MSNBC:
1) " The Ed Show" with Ed Shultz, 9:00-10:00 p.m.
2) "The Rachel Maddow Show", 8:00-9:00 p.m.
3) Thom Hartmann, also on Serius/XM radio
4) "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell", 7:00-8:00 p.m.
See what's happening on Ed's Radio Show. Follow this link for a quick look at what Ed had to say last night.
IAM Machinists Rally in Madison
Click here to learn more and view pictures.
Radio for Workers
Workers Independent News offers a radio program that provides information that is important to all workers. Follow the link and choose from a list of current worker related news issues. Listening to the news cast can provide answers to questions you may have regarding important issues like "Health Care", while you surf the net.
Members Sign Up For I-MAIL
Sign up for IMAIL and keep informed to what is going on around you. The more information we have, the stronger our union will be.
Dell Discounts with IAM
Members should take advantage of IAM discounts offered through the DELL web site. This site offers employee pricing plus additional discounts.
Enter member ID PS16626766 when ordering online or call 1-877-289-9437. When ordering, you must reference code: Copy and paste this code before you click on the above hyperlink. PS16626766
Union Member Discounts
When you use UNION PLUS you save 20% or more. Visit all the discounts and enjoy all the benefits of belonging to an IAM local union.