
General Membership Meeting
Retired members can join us at the regular scheduled General Membership Meetings on the 4th Monday of every month.

Retirees Club
If you are interested in forming an Automotive Mechanics Lodge Local 510 Retirees Club, please call (414) 774-7140.

Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans
The Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans is a voice for retirees and older Americans. Its goal is to educate, energize and mobilize Wisconsin seniors to make a difference through activism. The Alliance is a unique state/national organization working to create an America that protects the health and economic security of seniors, rewards work, strengthens families and builds thriving communities. It was launched nationally in 2001 and in Wisconsin in 2005 by a coalition of AFL-CIO affiliated unions and community-based organizations dedicated to economic and social justice. Visit their website at







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